Friday, 18 January 2013

- Wedding - Jennifer & Jeff

For those of you who are sick of the cold weather we've been having, here is a little something to warm up your day! Finally posting a few more weddings up on the blog and this one is Jennifer & Jeff's beautiful September wedding. I remember meeting with them probably about a year ago to discuss all the details of their special day and it was just as perfect as they described it. They are a wonderful couple who were up for any ideas that we had for them. Putting all these together really makes me excited for more warm weather this summer and all of the weddings that we have coming up for 2013! Thanks Jennifer & Jeff for letting us capturing the joy in your wedding day!

- The Fentons

Thursday, 6 December 2012

- Family - Jon, Marni, Isabelle & Bridgette

Well it has been a couple of weeks since this shoot but man was it raining that day! Meet another Fenton Family, Ethan's Brother Jon, our sister-in-law Marni, and our two cute nieces Izzy & B! We were able to take refuge at Young Folk and the Kettle Black and use their awesome venue for some nice dry shots indoors. This beautiful family was our first official shoot as Fenton Photography and it was great to get to photograph them again! As we always say we love taking pictures of our family and we hope you enjoy them too.

- The Fentons

Thursday, 29 November 2012

- Wedding - Maria & Kevin

Posting this beautiful summer wedding after the first real snow fall of this winter just seems so nice :) It has been a couple of months since Maria & Kevin were here for their wedding but I still love looking at their pictures. They had an amazing intimate wedding on the beach in Dalvay and we got to spend a few hours with just them! That was spectacular. I cannot say how important it is to get that time to spend with your new wife and hubby and have so many pictures of just the two of you! M & K were up for anything that we had in mind and were so comfortable in front of our cameras! I hope you guys are enjoying married life and make your way back East soon 

-The Fentons